| 06-19-2016 | | 10-15-2014 | | 10-15-2014 | | 07-28-2014 | | 07-11-2014 | |
Login and Registration Issues |
Why can't I log in?
Please make sure that you have registered a user name and that it’s enabled. You may also what to make sure that you have spelled your name and/or password correctly. The login fields are case sensitive.
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Why do I get logged off automatically?
You have an idle period of one hour, after that you are automatically logged off.
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I've lost my password!
You can retrieve your lost password by clicking on the "I Lost My Password" link under the login fields. Follow the instructions on that page to have your password emailed to you.
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Chess Game Help |
How do I create games?
Creating games in the command center is an easy task to perform. You must be logged in and on one of the following pages: Find Player, Buddy List, and/or Player list. Once you are on one of the mentioned pages, click the "Create Game" link beside the player you wish to challenge.
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How do I make moves?
In order for you to understand how moves are made, you must recognize/understand the move placement symbols listed beside the name of the game, in the current games list on the left hand menu.
•The grey light means that the current game has not been accepted yet.
•The dim yellow light means it’s not your turn.
•The illuminated light means it’s your turn.
Once it’s your turn to move you will see the “Chess Movement” form displayed under the game board. Place your move in the boxes bellow to move your chess piece.
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How do I propose a new tournament?
To propose a tournament to the online chess community, you must first be logged in using your registered username. Click the “[Propose New Tournament]” link located on the right hand menu of the command center. Fill out the form on the tournament proposal page to setup your tournament.
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How are the scores calculated?
Your Chess4Me rating is calculated based on the following criteria:
•For every loss you have sustained, you lose 5 points. •For every win, you gain 10 points. •Draws don’t punish or reward points.
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Rules / Code of Conduct |
What are your rules?
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